Been while since I posted. Busy life at work and had other technical issues with my website that had to resolve. But the time away has given me time to reflex on what I want my website to be about. I love art and photography and used to draw a lot when I was younger. I’ve tried to pick up drawing again, but nowhere near where I want to be, so have nothing worth posting. However, I do travel a lot for work, and that has given me the opportunity to practice my photography. I was showing my pictures to someone the other day and the comment was: “wow, you really have a good eye for this!”. So, this got me thinking about my website. I already have many pictures from my travels and an Instagram account for my pictures, so why not use my website to showcase my pictures?
I will still like to post about all the other stuff I like, and I will still obviously post pictures from my trips to my favorite city Tokyo; but I will also showcase my photography and speak about some of the places I’ve been to around the world.
Full disclosure, I don’t have a professional camera setup (for now) and all my pictures have been taken using an iPhone X, XS Max or 11. I have used Lightroom and PSExpress for iPad to edit some of my pictures; and that’s about it!
I will leave you with a picture from my beloved island of Puerto Rico, where I was born and raised and I hope to be back to soon!